27 May 2011

NOTD: Steel Matter

This post is hot hot hot. The nail colour, I just bought yesterday and is transferred from bottle to nails the moment I got home. Well maybe not, but the moment I got home from going back to swap the lipstick I bought since I grabbed the tester instead of the brand new product =_="!

Anyways, today's NOTD features Rimmel London's Steel Matter. Here it is:

About the nail polish, I will do a review soon... after I try Tangerine Queen too :) But right now, I am quite addicted to the grey colours! It's a lovely colour to wear in Autumn which is coming to an end in a few days :(

2 coats

Grey Matter is a cool-toned grey, a slate grey, I would say. It has a tinge of blue to it surprisingly. I thought it was the lighting at first, but in natural light, even my friend said it looks blue!

I still like it though! I do look forward to purchasing a lighter grey though!

Yours deerest,


  1. what a gorgeous color! check out the giveaway on my page if you're interested :)

  2. that is such a pretty grey!!~ & your nails are so long & pretty~ *__*

  3. Have to check this one out. I love greys with a blue tint. x

  4. omg! Love this colour! I've been looking for the prefect grey *_* Is Rimmel good?

  5. @Ashley Yes ^-^ I would definitely check it out! x

    @Mimi It's all shaping haha! My cuticles are so dry :( Thank you though :) x

    @VampiressDoll Yes! Definitely check it out :) I'm looking for a lighter true-grey though :( x

    @Chococcuro Rimmel is a good brand :) I really like their foundations and mascaras. Their 60 seconds nail polishes are actually alright! They hit standards :) x

    @Vintage Makeup Thanksssssss!!! I love how you comment so much on every post! You're lovely! :) X

  6. lovely color!, your header is really nice!


  7. @GABY Me too! I've been loving everything GREY!! :D It's winter here so yap :P x

    @junwei Thanks hun!! :D x

  8. Such a GORGEOUS GREY!!!! Another item into my wishlist! :)
