19 March 2011

Review: Sdiseiho Double Eyelid Tapes + My take on Lady Gaga's Telephone Eye Makeup

Yes. I lied. I didn't post up a review on the cheap double eyelid tapes I bought many weeks ago...
However, here it is!

This is a cheap cheap cheap cheap brand. Not sure if I can classify it as 'fake' or not. However, here it is:

Comes with 50 pairs (100 separate pieces of tapes)

It's shaped almost like a crescent moon.

Here is a picture of what it looks like on my eyes...

At first, it's quite hard to get the hang of... and of course it feels quite weird when you first put it on! My eyes are used to the feeling of it now. I don't feel anything weird when I put it back on and I'm slowly getting the hang of it now...

It's very tricky when you're a first-time user like me!! It definitely takes a few tries before you get it.

Price: $1.00 (Free P&H) from this eBay user

It doesn't come with the tweezers so you'll have to get it separately.. however, I don't use tweezers. I use my nails to peel this off and sometimes, you could possibly bend the two sides/corners of tape which will make it more visible. Also, your fingerprint can be printed onto the eyelid tape which will make it less sticky and adds to the visibility.

Within its nature, it's quite visible already. Even when you apply this on correctly, it can be quite visible when you're up-close, face-to-face. However, in photography, it's quite invisible.

I DO recommend this for:
  • First-time users, just so you can know how it works and how to handle it properly.
  • People who wants to try out double-eyelid tapes just for fun. Because, it's cheap and affordable. So therefore... mmm.. you get me!
  • People who wants to permanently even out their monolids. You heard that many people say, when you wear this day and night for 6 months or so, you can get a permanent crease! And I'd say that it's true. So therefore, if you're just looking for something to achieve this idea, I'd recommend the cheapest at night and a higher-end branded tape in the morn' so it won't look too obvious!

  • I don't think this looks the best on eyeshadows. If you did your eye makeup and then applied this tape incorrectly, when you peel it off, there will be a printed mark of the tape. Adding to this, I don't see that it sticks really well on top of eyeshadows.
  • This is waterproof! So yay!! However, if for any reasons you decide to wear this while you're washing your face, be VERY careful to your eye area, because if you go ALL out, this tape can scrap your eye area causing possible irritations or redness.

So that's all!!

On another note, last night, I took hours to research any whack looks so I could try to recreate. And Lady Gaga's pop to mind. Here's a look in her Telephone Music Video.

Sharp start before dark and thick brows, big lashes and unexplainable smokey eyes.


Close up snapshot!

I don't have a pigmented blue shadow.. so I've used green instead! Like I saw before, I really can't snap snap a shot of the black eyeshadow as it's not the darkest 8(

Thanks for everyone's kind kind kind kind and sweet comments on my recent make-up looks. I really do appreciate it! And for anyone who doesn't feel the same, DO leave me a comment on how I could possibly improve it.. or any make-up challenges! I'd like to post it up whether it's a fail or not!!

Yours deerest,


  1. Thanks for the review ^^ I'll keep it on my watch list on eBay, $1 for 50 pairs is really cheap! Nice eye makeup again, it's so bold and green is a great alternative to blue~

  2. gahahaha I love you, you're so cute!! Always the one eye thing :D Be careful, ppl might start saying you're part of the illuminati hehe :P

  3. ohhh, i haven't seen that eyelid tape before =o !!!

    I'm a new follower btw ^^

  4. love your creativity on the looks! i'm the opposite - still sticking with the boring neutrals. you know. hahaha

  5. Ooh wow, awesome look! Love the edgy-ness!
    You can pull it off really well!

  6. I reckon its possibly not real? but for the price, its just irresistible. I used to put on eyelid tape while sleeping =P

    and the gaga look, gal you are just so cool =D!

  7. OOh, I really want to try eyelid tape too...love the makeup!!!

  8. hi thank you for your comment on c-box xD i just saw it now haha .. very late ... im sorry!

    weird that you couldn't comment on my post..

    but i just wanted to say thankyou and i like your blog <3

