15 March 2011

Back2Basic: Foundations

As I stated, different textures of cleansers are more suitable for different skin types and conditions, this also applies to foundations.

Many of you ladies probably came across make-up artists, gurus and/or beauty bloggers stating that our face is like a canvas, in artistry. If you're like me with fewer skin conditions causing the skin to not be of a very smooth appearance, foundation is a MUST. It enhances the skin's appearance, cover up imperfections, even out your skin tone and provide a base for your make-up routine.


You'll always apply foundation over your moisturizer. If you have normal-dry skin, it's better to wait until your moisturizer is completely absorbed into the skin and if you have normal-oily skin, you're better off with an oil-free or an oil-absorbing moisturizer.

Foundations are available in many different formulations:
  • Oil-based (suitable for dry skin)
  • Cream-based (suitable for dry skin)
  • Liquid (all skin types)
  • Compact
  • Cake (medium-heavy coverage, extra powder, suitable for normal-oily skin)
  • Primer/base -- colourless

Each product offers a different finish, such as:
  • Matte gives a shine-free finish with a powdery appearance. It can look like a mask if applied too heavily. Mature skin should avoid to achieve a very-matte finish as it could accentuate wrinkles! With a matte finish, it's preferred that you should add some colour to your eyes and lips.
  • Semi-matte is the MOST wearable finish and allows our skin to have a dewy, healthy sheen. It's quite suitable for every day wear.
  • Sheer/tinted foundations gives a light and natural finish. It's most suitable for almost-flawless skin.

So I hope that helps you and I know it's a 'duh' post, but some foundation beginners don't know this! So excuse me :P

My room is SO messy at the moment! I might clean it up and do a room tour post LOL... honestly...

Hope you find this post helpful!

Yours deerest,


  1. Very helpful and informative post :) What are your favorite foundations?


  2. @Vintage Makeup Thank you!! :DDD

    @Choii thanks hun! I still haven't found a 'favourite' foundation yet :) I'm still on search hehe Foundations I used at the moments are all temporaries :)

    Thanks for leaving a comment girls! I smile everytime I get comments mwa xx

  3. I loooove semi-matte foundation :D I use the shiseido compact advanced hydro-liquid foundation & it gives me just the best glow! Too bad I'm trying to cut back on using makeup & just use it under my eyessssss


  4. Hehehe foundations oh they have a place in my heart... but they're the hardest to shop for!!

    Helpful post, especially for those who are very beginners hehe... I was totally clueless when I started too.

    Your room! LOL! My room needs a good clean too...

    By the way, hahaha, you mentioned OOTD, in fact, I'm in process of making a fashion blog =) Look out for that.

    Thanks for entering my giveaway!!

    for more, visit
