20 February 2011

Saturday/Sunday Steals #1

Hello everyone! Let's take a break from circle lenses as I've been posting two detailed essays about circle lenses. I honestly wish I was THAT detailed in my High School Examinations :P But oh well!

Tell me what you do on weekends? Do you sleep in or wake up early for laps?

For me... On Saturdays, I wake up early with my mum at 7A.M and drive to Flemington which is quite far from where I live. In Flemington (or near), locates Sydney Markets where they have three shelters which sells flowers, fruits and another for almost like a 'garage sale'.

Mumma & I go to the garage sale shelter first. At the place you can find both new and old stuff! It ranges from second-hand to BRAND NEW clothes/items. I love going there to find cheap stuff. There's a WIDE range of items! From electronics to clothes and shoes. Just yesterday, I bought a new pair of JaysJays skinny jeans which is BRAND NEW with tags and a piggy bank! And for both items, I paid $5.

I also spotted Rubi shoes there, however, you have to be LUCKY to find a pair which will fit you. There are also heels and sandals. And books. Toys. Plushies. Cosmetics, barely any.. besides fake MAC of course. Summed up, you can find ALOT of items there!

Anyways, my favourite is Sunday, when I head to Casula which is also like a 'garage sale'. This place is better because I get SO lazy at Flemington since I have to go with mumma to fruit markets after. It's so crowded and so long in there. Not interested.

I go to Casula and find fewer cosmetic stalls! And clothes! I know, even though the clothes are second-hand. I still find them quite decent and wearable. It's nice because I have NO idea where the clothes comes from. So I'll never see someone wearing similar clothes to me :/

For cosmetics, there are both brand new and used items. But I only look for items which I can sanitized, or else they have to be brand new. Today, I found Mary Kay and Nutrimetics lipsticks which are up for $10 each (NIB). Outside, Mary Kays' are $27 RRP and Nutrimetics retails for $33.50. So it's quite a bargain! However, I didn't pick any up because I don't the shades.

There was also a time when Mumma found a Lancome foundation which is 3/4 full and the lady said I could take it for $1. Hahaha.

Hmmm any other great buys... I don't remember. I picked up a Mary Kay lipstick in Dusty Rose for $5 :) Quite good. I love the colour.

But TODAY! I found this!

I brought three 'xoxo' and two 'LOVE' blocks. I have left one of each in my sister's room and these three are mine! The lady had a few more of 'LOL' and 'L-O-V-E', but I only picked up five because I didn't have money :( The lady offered me $3 each for these, but I asked her if I could pick up five blocks for $10 and she politely agreed!

Yay! Bargain! I like! :D

I also found a store of second-hand WITCHERY clothes and shoes which are DECENT. Going for $10 each pair of shoes and $5 each piece of clothes. I don't like it though, so I didn't pick up any.

Yes... that's my buy of the week! You? Tell me about it.

Meanwhile for those who has not much to share, 'shower me with comments of love. I hope that they're all so rude that they get flagged'. LOL

Yours deerest,

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