09 December 2010

NOTD: Zebra :3

Good afternoon babies!
The clock just stroke 2PM in Australia and I hope you Australians been having a good day! and Americans been having a good night! And Asian's having a good morning! :)

Hehehehe decided to paint my nails again last night.. I had yellow nails before and they were starting to chip and since I was watching The Invasion (starring Nicole Kidman), I had nothing to do... so zebra nails they are!

I thought they were really hard to do... I was so afraid to stroke down my black nail art pen :3 But I guess it turned out alright :) Besides my impatience of the gloss which kinda smudged the zebra patterns :(

I must say that.. having all 10 nails painted with zebra patterns is quite weird LOL :3 I might use grey next time for the patterns instead, to tone it down a little bit :3 Just so it's not too dark! :3

Anyways, please have a lovely day!
Remember to drink lots of water & eat healthy!

I miss you guys SO much LOL :3

Yours deerest,