29 November 2010

Review: GEO Conventional Soft Lenses

Yay! I've finally got my camera back! It's the same model - Sony Cybershot W310 in classy black :)
I had to travel to a few stores to find a black model :$ I'm so picky.. I know :(
Anyhows, will be doing a review for you today on GEO's Conventional Lenses that I have purchased quite a while back for my upcoming formal :)

GEO Conventional Soft Contact Lenses

Lightly color tinted GEO soft contact lenses provide eyes with soft and excellent
feeling of wearing by using new thin and elastic lens material.

Color (tint) available: Blue & Aqua
Diameter: 14.00mm
Base Curve Radius: 8.40~8.60mm
C.T: 0.04~0.13mm
Water Content: 38~42%
Power Range: -1.00D ~ -15.00D
sourced from here >


You can order these at very fewer websites, however, I got mine from http://www.cclens.com.au/ and it was $40 + $8 shipping.

$40 is ALOT for a pair of GEO Circle Lenses. I think it's WAY too overpriced. However, formal was around the corner and I really needed to find a distributor in Australia who has my prescriptions and the pair I wanted in stock... so yup.

Anyways... here is my experience with the Conventional Soft Lenses...

I found them to be quite uncomfortable when I just put them on.. very uncomfortable. Not to the point where it irritate my eyes, dries my eyes or make them super-duper itchy.
However, when I put them on, my eyes felt really tired and uncomfortable. Every time I blink, it seems that I really can feel the lenses... so it's not that great when you just placed them in.

After about 1 hour, the lenses became more comfortable for me to wear. It didn't make my eyes feel tired at all which was great :)

I don't wear these lenses everyday, just because I don't think I need to wear them everyday. I only wear them when my friends and I get together for a game of COD (yes! Cod!), when I'm driving or occasionally when I go out late at night... just because my vision is SO bad at night.

And to make things worse, I lost my pair of glasses Y_____Y

Yes Y____Y So when I first put them on, they are quite uncomfortable, however it gets better after an hour or so. I could wear this for the whole day without having them drying my eyes out (unless I sleep).

On my formal day, I wore them from AT LEAST 12PM till 4AM the next day without having the feeling uncomfortable after the first hour. Though, on the bus home, I fell asleep and when I woke up, my contacts disappeared and it took a few too many blinks for it to show itself :S But that's normal right?

These conventional lenses are like circle lenses with 14.00mm diameter, however, they are clear.. so yup :)

Available in 2 tints: Blue & Aqua and lasts up till 1 year after unsealing the bottle.

For your info, pinkyparadise do not carry these in their product range [unfortunately].

That is my experience with the 'Conventional' contacts!

Hope that helped you guys!

Yours deerest,

15 November 2010

Review: Australis Ready.Set.Go Finishing Powder

This was my third product purchased from Australis if I remember correctly! I was actually introduced to this product from their Easter giveaway where I scored myself a small sample size and I've been using it for almost 2 years now!

The Ready.Set.Go Finishing powder is a loose mattifying powder which claims to control and keep all your oiliness at bay, shoo the dullness away and help your make-up to last longer. The awesome product is contained in a typical loose-powder packaging, but much slimmer in height and wider in diameter.

As for the powder, it comes in a white-coloured powder which applies to be truely translucent and doesn't leave a white cast on my skin. However, if you are of a darker skin tone, you'd have to be aware that this product could possibly make you look a tinge grey/white.

I actually have combination of minimal oily and dry skin, so this powder does the job for both my oily and dry zones. However, if you have oilier skin, I'm not exactly sure how this powder will work. According to this beauty blogger from Perth, the powder controls her T-zone for up to 4 hours.

As for its claim for helping my make-up last longer and shooing away any dullness, I honestly don't notice any difference. However, this powder is the finest milled powder you will ever find! It is so extremely fine, lightweight and will make your skin feel so so soft, I guarantee.

One last thing is its ingredient list, this product contains silica. I'm no make-up expert, but I've heard that products that contain silicia needs to be applied properly or it leave any skin-tone a strange white cast (similar to Make Up Forever HD Powder). All I actually do is blend this well into my skin and there's no problem.

Overall thoughts:

This powder is extremely fine and does a great job for my skin. Controls the oily, makes me skin feel extremely soft, is lightweight and affordable. However, darker skin tones might find this powder to leave a white cast or greyish tinge if applied too much (it also depends on your skin tone). Although you do get alot of product in a loose powder, I just wish that there could also be a pressed-powder version too since that'd be ideal for the oilier skin types and more convenient. Whichever floats your boat, but I personally love this powder for mattifying.

This product retails for $12.95 and can be purchased at Priceline, Big W, Target, K-Mart and Australis stockists.

Disclaimer: Product was purchased by me.

09 November 2010

Quick tips for formal: Contacts or not?

Hi girlies! Rambles for ya today!

So some girlies' formal are coming up! And I already did posts on makeup and fashion-wise :$
These posts are expressed in my own opinion, esp the fashion-related LOL Cause I'm no where near having a sense of fashion, okay? :)

So... many of you will probably consider to put your hands on a pair of contacts for formal!

Ummm okay, where shall I start?

I'm not talking about clear contacts today, I'm just gonna give you a few perspectives about circle lenses and/or coloured contacts.

Most of you will probably think "I should wear blue contacts for formal since it'll make my eye colour so much more good looking" OR "I should invest on a pair of hazel contacts, how hot is that? Hazel eyes! Cmon!"

In my very honest opinion, I don't recommend circle lenses for formal, just because not ALL of them are comfortable for over 6 hours, and you don't want any eye irritations during formal or whatever! :{

However, if you have a pair of circle lenses which is comfortable all day, you must also consider if they look good in flash photography! Would it blend in with your natural eye color? Or would it make you look creepily weird.

For example:
Sourced from here

See how the blue doesn't completely blend with the eye colour and you can see the pupil?
Do consider if you like this effect in your photos or not!

That's just something for you to consider! I'm not against it, but I'm just saying! Don't bash me heheh x

For people who want extra hazel eyes! If you already have brown eyes, don't worry about it! Flash photography will make your eyes stand out more!
OR why don't you use eyes' cosmetics to help you enhance your eye color instead? :)

However, if you do plan to wear contacts, remember to bring your contact case with refilled solution! Just incase they get uncomfortable or so...

Yours deerest,

08 November 2010

Make-up quick tips for formal/prom

Hello!! As I promised.. although a few days late! A post about make-up tips for formal/prom! :D

So first up!

Tell me, do you dress to impress? Or do you want to be the trend-setter?

Alright, let's talk to all 'dress-to-impress'ers!
By saying 'dress to impress', I mean your main focus is too looking outrageously gorgeous girly to impress all male audience! You want them to gossip after formal and say 'She was freaking beautiful'.
The downside for this is that, you gotta wear minimal make-up! And this may make you look naturally STUNNING to them, at the formal place, but however, won't be too photogenic. For example!
Eye make-up!
If you wear JUST an everyday look (minimal makeup = thin eyeliner, MLBB lipstick, false lashes, light coverage foundation), you'll look naturally beautiful.
However, in photos, your eyes will not stand out as much as other girls who'll be wearing smokey eyes.

Trend-setters are to set the trends, hence the name! You can impress the girls (who understands) with a chic, punk or any Lady-Gaga style!
From red lipsticks to bold eyeliner!
The good thing about this is being awesomely unique in your own way!
A downswing to this is... the boys. They don't seem to understand any make-up trends or whatsoever. LMAO. As soon as they see you with eyeshadow, they immediately accuse you of being cake-faced #fml

Sucks that guys don't understand the beauty of make-up.
I guess it's the same how we don't understand their world of WOW of COD.

Here are tips by category!

  • Remember to match the foundation shade to your skin! You need this to be PERFECT!
  • Stay as natural as you possibly can - because guys *discuss* after formal about 'which girl has the cakiest face?' LOL... Hope I wasn't on the list :/
  • Dewy or matte finish, preferbly matte (IMO). Remember to blot blot blot blot if you have oily skin!
  • Remember to make sure it is SPF free for a matte-finish!
  • Take a picture WITH flash on before you leave the house and see if your skin is shine-free or not! Or recheck anything you need to fix up!
  • Bring your pressed powder, just in case you need to retouch! Better safe than sorry!

  • Eyeshadow primer? Base? Keep your eyeshadows lasting longer!
  • Blue dress = blue eyeshadow? If you're a trend setter, go for it! Whatever floats your boat!
  • I know girls like to make their eyes pop with shimmer in the inner corner, but please do avoid too much shimmer. You want attention on your eyes, not your tearducts!
  • Bring false lashes glue, just in case! It's small and handy!

  • To make your nose appear 'taller', streak a highlighter onto your nose bridge & blend blend blend!
  • If you are doing your own makeup, remember to conceal redness around your nose!

  • Moisturize your lips well!
  • A long-lasting lipcolour would help wonders!
  • Remember to bring your lipstick/gloss to touch up!
  • Conceal around your lips, to make it look more defined!

  • Recharge your camera and phone the night before!
  • Hollywood tape if you need!
  • Remember to bring touch ups products if necessary!
  • For girls who are wearing tight/fitting dresses, if you don't want to show your panty-lines... Grab a pair of old stockings, cut the legs off to thigh-length and wear them instead!
  • Make sure you moisturise your whole entire body! Your legs and arms, you don't want them to look all frosty and drying! :(
  • Don't forget to spray perfume, maybe 1-2 hours before you head to formal avenue, so it's not too heavy, nor too light.
  • If you're going to have an afterparty or walk in the city, it's advised that you want to bring a pair of flats, instead of those killer high heels! Yeah?
  • Manisure & Pedicure!
  • Remember to redo your brows AND moustache (whatever you call that) a few days before formal!
  • If you are doing your own makeup, it's advised that you do try on your makeup for a day. Just to see how many hours you need to retouch OR if there's anything that's possibly not right with your makeup :$
  • You could book professional makeup artists. For your info, I love makeup artists from photo studios! Although your makeup looks heavier at the shopping mall, at the formal venue, you will look perfectly fine because other girls will have their makeup done too. So it becomes normal. And the bonus is.. you will look more photogenic! Yay!

I think there's more to it... But I really forgot.
I'm really sleepy right now, just trying to finish this off.
Excuse me if I did any spelling mistakes or wasn't being so clear on a particular point.
Leave me a comment if you need :)
I will post more tips when I figure what I've missed out.
